Saturday, July 22, 2006

Two Tareks -- Tall Tarek

The next two people listed in the address book are both from Egypt and both named Tarek. There were also two Tommy's from the USA. So we usually refered to one as "Tall Tarek" and "tall Tommy". So next up is Tall Tarek. His real name is Tarek Hussein Gamgoum. I have no idea where he is now. He is now 42 years old. He was a bit older than most people at the camp. I tried to find him and sent an email to someone in Egypt with his name. I have not gotten a response. Tarek was very quiet. To him, the rest of us must have been like children. In the picture at the top first is Stephen from Ireland, then Georg from Austria is standing in profile in front of Tarek, Aernoult (Holland) you can just see his head behind Tarek and half of Tall Tommy (USA). In the second picture he is sitting next to Peter (Austria), behind him are Liselotte (Denmark) and Miguel (Portugal). Has anyone had contact with him over the years? I did get some letters in the first year after the camp, but nothing in a long time. I will send postcards off to the two Tareks now and see if I get a response. He did respond to the letter I sent for the memory book I made for the 10th anniversary, but I got the info too late to add to the book. He was then married wtih 2 children! That means his daughter is now 15! If anyone has any info about Tall Tarek, please let me know. You can post a comment here or send me an email.

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